- 4079231377
- Sandra Cutrell
We advance our mission of enhancing health, wellness and quality of life and seek to address health disparities, promote health equity, and encourage behaviors that facilitate positive health outcomes by serving diverse and ethnic populations in Central Florida. We accomplish this through health promotion activities that help people improve their lifestyle or prevent illness through changes in their environment, lifestyle, and/or behavior, and by emphasizing our competitive advantages:n• Programming that addresses major health disparities, not just HIV/AIDSn• A strong reputation for holistic, culturally and linguistically competent programs and servicesn• An ethnically diverse board and staffn• Strong collaborative relationships that leverage available fundsn• Solid name recognition among constituents and fundersn• Fiscal responsibility and transparencynCMWP is sustained by significant grant funding that underwrites our programming. CMWP offers non-clinical, culturally and linguistically sensitive outreach services that promote optimal emotional, mental and physical health to the diverse populations in Central Florida. We are that bridge to a healthy lifestyle. We have the capability and desire to not only understand the perspective of our clients; but we value them, love them and provide hope to them. CMWP was founded in 1995 to provide a variety of health education, outreach, case management and linkage/referral services to Central Florida’s minority populations. The CMWP staff has the unique ability/responsibility to share “real life experience” and put the subject matter in culturally and linguistically (English, Spanish & Creole) sensitive levels for the diverse populations.